Motor Vehicle Accidents

After a motor vehicle accident, it can take several days for symptoms to become their worst. In addition to common neck and back pain, symptoms may also include nausea, numbness, headache, blurred vision, tinnitus, and dizziness. Chiropractic treatment with medical massage and rehab, including cold laser, can be helpful to relieve symptoms over time.

There are three ways to handle motor vehicle accident claims:


If you have Personal Injury Protection on your own car insurance (whether the accident was your fault or not), we can bill your car insurance and get paid before your claim settles. When your claim settles, your car insurance gets paid back from the settlement, and there is no negative affect to your personal insurance. It is illegal for your insurance company to penalize you for using this benefit (RCW 46.52.130). The fee for PIP coverage is a small amount each month and is worth it because you get the medical treatment you need at the time you need it. Find out if you have PIP coverage, and if you don’t consider adding it.

Whether you have PIP coverage or not, get a lawyer.
Renton Chiropractic currently accepts PIP coverage. 

Third Party


Medical Lien

The medical provider holds your bills until the claim settles and medical bills get paid in the end. Even if the other party's insurance authorizes a dollar amount for treatment, they do not pay anything until the claim is settled, which may be years in the future. You may have a difficult time finding a provider who accepts third-party claims. 
Renton Chiropractic currently accepts third party claims on a case-by-case basis. We only accept third party claims if you have a lwyer involved. 

Renton Chiropractic currently accepts third party claims on a case-by-case basis. We only accept third party claims if you have a lawyer involved.

Subrogation We bill your medical insurance. You will still have deductibles, copays, and limits to your coverage, which you will need to pay out of pocket. Your medical insurance will get paid back when your claim settles.
Renton Chiropractic currently accepts subrogation claims.